Does acupuncture work?

Absolutely. The best example is when people with pain get off the table with a curious expression telling me their pain is gone. Sometimes they might experience the pain or the issue returning after a few days. So usually the treatments need to be repeated at least once a week initially for the effect of it to last longer.

How long do I have to get acupuncture for?

I ask people to start with weekly sessions unless there is an emergency they are trying to avoid, which will need two or three sessions a week. Most acute conditions start to shift and get resolved between 4 to 8 weekly sessions. Usually, issues related to menstruation will need between 3 to 6 cycles to get into balance. More chronic issues need more time. They can take months or even years to slowly shift and change. Some conditions might never be fully resolved but acupuncture can help keep them in a dormant state, with fewer flare-ups and improved quality of life.

Does it work for anything other than pain?

Acupuncture channels start at the tip of fingers and toes, they traverse the body and meet in the head and chest, but also they branch out and go deeper into the body and enter the organs. So it works for anything related to musculoskeletal and joint systems, as well as internal issues. Any problem related to stress, such as insomnia, headache, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, hormonal issues, menstrual irregularities, support of infertility, boosting the immune system, dealing with the toxicity of chemo and radiation, asthma and allergies, pediatric as well as elderly, and finally autoimmune conditions.

How did you decide to become an acupuncturist?

The first time I received acupuncture I was in Theater school and I fell in love with the mystery and wisdom of it. I looked at the chart on the wall and thought one day I am going to learn all about these lines traversing my body. Then I became a nurse. I was an ER nurse for 14 years. I realized that I needed to find a tool where I could be able to help people more directly, less dependent on technology and equipment, and more meaningful and holistic to my philosophy of life. I took a break from nursing, went to India for one year, meditated, and went through my own healing journey. When I returned I was ready to embark on the journey of Chinese Medicine. I also combined the practice of polarity therapy which helps me be more hands-on and intuitive in my sessions.

Why does your work stand out from others?

I have both the Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine knowledge and valuable experience. They are both valuable forms of medicine and need to be used at their own place and time. Sometimes an ER visit can save you from future health problems, sometimes acupuncture and holistic practices offer the best answers. In addition, I use polarity, which is an energetic healing practice, which includes gentle massage and Carnio-Sacral balancing. All of these enrich the depth of the healing experience and can create a strong change in one's life patterns.

What do you like most about Acupuncture?

I love connecting with another person on a deep level and witnessing their journey. I feel so grateful for the trust and open heart that my clients bring to the sessions. The nurse in me loves to comfort and ease their pains. But the mystic in me loves to point out the hidden aspects that become gems for true healing and self-discovery. I love it when we can measure our results and see the change, either a physical symptom, a shift in relationships, or renovating a falling house. I'm in awe of infinite space and possibilities.

Acupuncture is not only a treatment but a way of life, a perspective that slowly needs to be changed in our Western minds. We are so used to wanting a band-aid instead of facing the cause and getting to the root of our problems. Acupuncture might seem a hard way at first, but placing the responsibility on the patient, as much as the doctor, is the only way to empower and free oneself. You start to listen to your body in a new way and observe how your emotional and mental patterns are a cause of your physical conditions. Acupuncture is energy medicine, with the premise that energy affects matter, so we shift energy and matter follows.